
Showing posts from 2015

Wedding necklace: bead embroidered cabochons in burgundy and rose gold

Wedding bracelet: bead embroidered acrylic cabochon in burgundy and rose gold

Bead embroidered turquoise pendant

Fake double spiral stitch bracelet

Wedding earrings

Bead embroidery pendant

Farfalle fever by Shelley Nybakke

Richer Ruffles bracelet by Shelley Nybakke

Antique pink earrings

Working away at Black Lace Lariat... In the pub!

Pattern Review: Beth Duo Earrings by Beth Clark

Black Lace Lariat update and Art Deco Bracelet finished

Pattern review: Art Deco Bracelet by Smadar Grossman

Making progress slowly on the Black Lace Lariat ...

Working on Black Lace Lariat by Lisa Kan

Pattern review: Diamond Montee bracelet by Potomac Bead Company

Pattern review: Country Girl Tila bracelet by BeadsMadness