Making progress slowly on the Black Lace Lariat ...

I've started modifying the pattern for the Black Lace Lariat slightly to reduce the cupping of the floral element.

For step 5, instead of putting 5 13/0s between each picot (which makes the outer circle of the floral element) I'm using two 13/0s, one 11/0 and 2 13/0s. The element cups slightly but it's much flatter and I like it better!

In the photo above the closest (end) element was made with 11/0s in the middle of each section of the outer circle -- the one next to it was made with all 15/0s. I like the fact that the closer element is noticeably flatter. I'll keep doing them this way, and put the five more cupped elements in the centre of the necklace so they'll fall at the back of my neck and be less visible.


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