Daily Art ... day 17
I was overpainting a photo of gorgeous film star Hedy Lamarr last night, when I had an epiphany of sort. Or a personal "Eureka" moment, rather. You see, I really hated the bodice of the dress Miss Lamarr was wearing in the photo -- kind of fussy and patterned and not really to my taste. So I started pasting bits of torn up paper over it, and, gosh darn it, it looks okay! In fact, I really like the contrast between the more three dimensional treatment of her face and the frankly two dimensional, decorative treatment of her clothes.
Now, of course I know this isn't exactly new, but it opened up a little door for me, personally. Woo hoo!
Bonus Hedy Lamarr quote: “Any girl can be glamorous. All you have to do is stand still and look stupid.”
And thanks karine and anodyne, too!
I was terrified to click on the brain -- I thought, possibly, preschool would be an option ...