Black Lace Lariat update and Art Deco Bracelet finished
Here's where the Black Lace Lariat stands this afternoon. I love it! It's so pretty. It's also the perfect project for picking up, doing 10 minutes work and putting it back down.
There are three sections to this necklace -- the large elements shown above, a smaller section with small elements separated by black faceted teardrops (which I'm waiting for) and the tassels. I decided to start the tassels.
Below you'll see the start of the tassels. I used 8/0 beads for the peyote base of the tassel instead of the 11/0 triangle beads the pattern calls for.
I finished the Art Deco bracelet last night. Really pretty.
I made the band of the bracelet out of 11/0s instead of the 8/0s the pattern calls for because I didn't have enough 8/0s. I will make this bracelet again using 8/0s. My herringbone on the band is also not perfect -- I did get confused at a couple of points, but that's my unfamiliarity with herringbone not a problem with the pattern! Next time will be perfect :)