Pam Dover -- Featured Etsy Artisan

As a collage artist myself, I love the art form and I vastly admire other collagiste's work. I first saw Pam Dover's work on ArtFire, but she has an Etsy shop, as well. I love her sense of fun, her command of volume and shape and her woman-positive stance.
The piece pictured above is "Red Dress" a print of an original collage artwork. Pam sells her work, which includes a lovely line of stationery items, through her company Inspiration turn Design.
She says of herself:
I am in my mid twenties and trying to take my passion for art and design and create something great from it! I have several areas of interest mixed media collage art, digital design for personalized stationery and invitations, along with "Eco Chic" crafts, and photography.

Pam is about much more than collage -- please visit the links below to see more of her work, learn more about her and to purchase her creations!
PamDover Etsy shop
Inspiration turn Design ArtFire Studio
Inspiration turn Design website
Inspiration turn Design blog