It was like Christmas in July!
I went to the post office to send off all my Etsy-related parcels this afternoon. Now, sending parcels is a lot of fun (at least for someone like me, who enjoys filling in forms, etc.), but receiving them is even better, and I've done a lot of shopping on Etsy lately. Today I received SIX ACEOs in the mail! (NB: ACEO stands for "Art Card Edition or Original" -- ACEOs are all 3.5" x 2.5") Now, not only did I get six miniature works of art, each package was wrapped in the most exquisite way, and most included some kind of little gifty or bonus object. Delightful! Thanks to all the sellers who brightened my day ... (and I have to improve my own packaging ... a heartfelt thank you note just doesn't seem enough, anymore!) Here are the treasures that greeted me, and links to the sellers' stores (and my lousy pictures do NOT do them justice ...)
Above, from left to right: budanART, budanART, bycole
Above, from left to right: ravenwolf, dadadreams, littlebuttons
